Saturday, August 29, 2020

A Strange Easter

A sweet little picture by Evangeline....

I could not get our traditional PAAS Easter Egg dying kit this year on our Walmart pick up.  They substituted with a strange kind of kit that required rice, which ironically is impossible to get at the grocery store right now.  We made the most of it though and used the little bit of liquid dye that came with the kit mixed with a little water and it did the job fine.  Luckily for us, our friend raises chickens and supplies us with our eggs, so even though there was a major egg shortage at the store, we were still able to get them.  

I was preparing remote learning activities for my school kids at this time so when I was going through my Easter school file I made a few copies of some Easter crafts my kids could do to pass the time.  They painted butterflies and assembled Easter bunnies.  They worked so hard on these projects.  They were so excited for Easter morning the following day....

Easter morning was special despite the fact that so much was different.  We woke up to the Easter bunny's surprises.  We ate homemade cinnamon rolls and watched church on an internet live stream. 

I love their little faces when their checking out their loot....

Searching for eggs....

Jed was being a real stinker about being too cold for the Sunday morning picture...this year in new jammies from the Easter Bunny and not in church clothes.  

Our neighbor, Alice, brought us these....

Playing with toys from the Easter Bunny....

Even though everyone was completely freaked at this point in time, my mom had to drop by to deliver Easter treats to the grandkids....masked and 6 feet apart, of course.....