Sunday, December 31, 2017

Love and Joy

The magic of Christmas morning never disappoints.  Evangeline was up with the sun, in our bed as always.  We made her wait for Jed to wake up.  She wanted to wake him, but that just didn't seem like a good idea, so we made her wait it out so we could all go downstairs together.  Evangeline and Jed were so excited to see that Santa had come and left Calico Critters for her, and a train set for him.  They also had stockings full of fun surprises.   

Evangeline showed Jed how to check his stocking. 

Pickles seemed to love the train set.

Lots of superheroes and cars for Jed...

And lots of baking supplies for Evangeline...

Here is a picture explosion of a way too cute baby boy enjoying his Christmas toys....

Such a lovely morning.

We had lunch at Dad's house at the farm.  I didn't take many pictures, but it was a wonderful time with Dad, Uncle Kenny, Mom and Zachary and family.  

A few days later we celebrated once again at my mom's house with more food and more presents, and another very lovely time. 

I love my family.  I love that Christmas brings us together for so much time together.  For me, it is truly the most wonderful time of the year. 

Saturday, December 30, 2017

Christmas Eve

Christmas Eve is almost as special as Christmas itself.  It's so filled with excitement and anticipation.  Evangeline helped me make peppermint bark and just as we poured it in the pan we discovered that it had just started snowing.  It snowed all day, big heavy flakes.  It was so beautiful.  Kyle pointed out that a person doesn't get too many white Christmas in life, so we should make sure to enjoy each one we get. 
We spent the afternoon at Peggy's house with the Burress' and Wilsons.  Christmas was different this year since we lost Roy.  I haven't mentioned that yet in my entries, but Grandpa Roy passed away suddenly a few weeks ago and there has definitely been a void in the family without him.  We miss him. 
Evangeline received the cutest PJs and robe from Peggy which have been her uniform ever since she opened them up. 
The girls, and Jed too of course, got the game Headbands.  It was so much fun to watch them play.  Jed just ran around with the headband on telling everyone he was "Uperman", but he had fun with it too. 
We went to the early service at church.  Evangeline was so excited to get to bed.  Here is the note she left for Santa Claus.  "Thank you for spending your time helping others!  You are such a giving man!  I don't have a Christmas present for you this year :(  My Christmas wish for you is to have the best year of your life.  Love, Evangeline"

Friday, December 29, 2017

Christmas with the Hutsons

Our annual overnight stay with Wayne and Karen is always a lovely time.  The kids have so much fun playing together, watching movies, eating treats, opening presents and admiring Papa's festive décor.  

The girls each got IPads this year from Papa and Karen.  Jed got lots of cars and fun toys.
This face....

The morning was spent with their IPad video cameras and hot cocoa.  Evangeline has become quite the little director. 
Jed got an awesome snowsuit, boots and gloves just in time for a Christmas snow that happened to fall that morning.  I took him outside to check it all out.  He jumped in puddles, threw snow, ran around in his boots giggling all the time.  We were outside until my checks were numb.  He looked like a chubby little spaceman.  There is just too much cuteness going on here...
The girls made cookies with Karen....
Wanda's family and Sabrina joined us for a Christmas dinner and more gifts.  Jed was overjoyed with his coffee maker and mixer.  Jed has a serious look of concentration every time he plays with his little mixer. 
It's always such a treat each year to spend so much time with family without interruption and time constraints.  Such a blessing.