Monday, March 28, 2016


Easter was lovely.  Such a beautiful day.  The Easter Bunny came and it's always so much fun to watch Evangeline search the yard for what he's left her.  

This year the Easter Bunny filled the eggs he used to fill when he would visit Kyle and Kristen as children. 
Peggy took Evangeline and her cousins to pick out their Easter dresses last weekend.  They went with sailor dresses and a cute little sweater vest and slacks for Jed.  They were all precious in their Easter best. 

I think this is the fourth year I've gotten a picture of Evangeline in her Easter dress sitting on this rock in our back yard.
After church we went to Papa's for our annual Easter lunch and egg hunt with the cousins.  
It's getting increasingly more difficult to get a picture of all of the kids looking at the same direction at the same time and smiling.  

Spring Break

Spring break has been so very lovely.  Evangeline spent 2 nights with Grandma.  We met for lunch one morning at the good ol'Cracker Barrel for pancakes.  I took Evangeline swimming at the Lincoln Suites here in Marshall one day over break.  We had the whole pool to ourselves, just me and E.  It was fun.  We decorated eggs and made bird's nests.  I've spent some quality time snuggling my baby and playing with my big girl.  It's getting me really excited for summer vacation!  Not too much longer!
It only took her a little while to get her sea legs back.  She was swimming up a storm.  
Mr. Man is grabbing at everything these days......
and chewing on everything with that sharp little tooth!  

The Birthday Boy

We had Kyle's birthday celebration at his Dad's house.  It was a nice little get-together.  I kid you not, the amount of smoke that took over the kitchen was astounding after he blew out his candles...and I'm not just saying that.  It was truly hilarious.  Evangeline's face was priceless. 

Saturday, March 19, 2016

Saint Patrick's Day

They had their green on for good luck, but I'm definitely the lucky one to get to be their mommy.

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

The Latest

Mr. Big Stuff has started sitting up unsupported.  He can do it for a few seconds and then eventually goes timber.  I think by another week or so he'll have it down.  This past Sunday I discovered that he's sprouted his two bottom teeth.  Jed's also found his feet and loves to play with them. 
And then there's Miss Sassy Pants.  She picked out this snazzy new outfit for her school's spring concert.  She's been wanting a jean jacket for a while now.  She was picked for a special part in the spring concert.  She got to play the Boom Whackers.  She hated this though because the Boom Whackers had to give up their recesses to practice for the last several weeks.  She'll be happy to get her play time back.  The kids did a fantastic job.  Sadly, I couldn't see her very well on the stage, but I did get to watch her practice.  I was so proud of always.  
It's so fun to watch her with her little friends.  I always imagine these kids growing up together.  I wonder who she will remain friends with over the years.   
Here she is with Wesley Burress (the giant).....
Anna Karras, Chloe Landrus and EB....friends since preschool......
Lily Shotts, Harper Richardson, EB and Kaylee Daugherty....
Lily, EB, Nya Engledow and Kaylee
In other news....Kyle had a birthday which we will continue to celebrate for the remainder of the month and Zachary and Candice bought a house in Terre Haute!!