Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Snipets of Life

My little girl and her fashion....  She is so opinionated about what she wears...always has been...from her hair to her shoes.  Usually she puts together adorable outfits.  She also enjoys dressing according to her specials for the day.  For example, she could not wait to wear this dress that Amy got for her on her first art class day of the year.  The pocket says, "I just want to make things".  
Some days she dresses just like me....this is one of her favorite shirts.  It says "Books and Tea". 
On the morning the next picture took place she told me, "Mommy, I want to look just like you today."  We both wore our overalls and our hair in a bun.  She is definitely my little mini.
And this guy....what a ham.....

Kyle and I recently entered the age of smart phone technology.  We traded in our flip phones for super fancy phones.  I was a serious transition.  I thought I would love the camera feature, but I think my good old fashioned camera takes way better images.  However, I do have to confess it being nice to always have access to a camera or video camera with the phone without having to remember to put one extra thing in the purse. 
Evangeline is so studious and tries her best in school, even when it's not always easy.  I'm proud of how hard she works.  Here she is practicing her spelling.  Of course Jed has to practice too...

The little baby deer we've been watching all summer have been spending time in our front yard and side yard lately.  I think they are enjoying the corn in our neighboring field.

Cale turned 4 a few weeks ago.  We had the best time at his birthday party.  I love getting these two boys together.  They sure do love each other.  They spent most of the time chasing ghosts at Cale's party.  They were fun to watch.

When the weather is just right we've been able to open the windows and Pickles lives his best life....

I rock my baby to sleep for his naps on the weekends.  Lots of times I sit and hold him long after he dozes off.  He is always on the go and this is one of the few times I can hold him while he is still and I love every second of it.

Evangeline sleeps in our bed every night.  Whenever I get annoyed with the situation (sometimes I think it would be nice to have a little more room to stretch out, or not get an elbow in the side) I remind myself that she isn't always going to want to sleep between us and then I will miss her there.  Between her mom and dad is where she feels safe and secure and I really don't mind at all. 

Jed loves to ride "Scoots".  He's gotten so good at it too.  There is nothing more adorable than watching him cruse around the driveway on Scoots with his little helmet on. 

Evangeline has challenged herself to practice piano 100 days straight.  We told her we would have some kind of party if she makes it.  She's been pretty serious about it.  She's into day 30 something...

Monday, September 17, 2018

Golden Afternoon

In the spring I weeded and raked up a corner of the yard that had once been a shade garden.  The trees that shaded it have been cut back and the area was cleared out.  It's a very large space.  I thought it would just be nice to throw a bunch of seeds down and let nature have it.  I've thought it lovely all summer.  There has been tiny white flowers, yellow flowers, large fox tails, lots of huge "weeds".  The kids helped me scatter zinnia and Mexican sunflower seeds (two of my very favorites).  They have been just beautiful.  Jed and Evangeline have been so proud to watch the seeds they planted grow.  There have been baby deer bedding down in the garden, lots of birds and butterflies too.  We call it our weed garden.  Kyle never learned to love it.  It may become something else next year, but this year I've loved it just as it is. 

Thursday, September 6, 2018

Warm Days

We sure do love this orange guy, even though he treats the house like a jungle gym.  It's kind of funny, sometimes we mix up Jed's and Pickles' name when we are yelling at either one of them to not do something that will either bring them harm or make a mess.  For example, when Pickles is about to knock over someone's glass, in a panic we might yell out "Jed" and then correct ourselves.  Or if Jed is about to smack his unsuspecting sister with a toy we might yell out "Pickles!" and then correct ourselves.  Those two are responsible for the most messes around here so it's easy to mix them up I guess.  
I took the kids to visit my dad a few weeks ago.  We had a lovely time.  While I was there I took a picture of the plaque National Geographic sent Dad when he retired.  He was in charge of the quality and color of their book covers for the past 10 years or so.  Dad had it buried under a stack of papers in his office area.  I thought it was pretty neat.  

My sweet little Evangeline went to Panera with her grandma recently.  She said she asked Grandma if she could get me my favorite cookie for a surprise.  The next day she had this little note clipped to the cookie.  She told me she hide it in her clothes drawer waiting to surprise me.  She is so thoughtful. 
What laughs these little paper masks have brought...

Ohhhhh, the days when you could just fall asleep anywhere......This is Evangeline's chair.  She can always be found curled up in it. 

Jed Turns 3!

It was a big day that weighed heavy on the heart of this mother.  On top of my little girl have her first day of 4th grade, my little boy turned 3.  The night before his birthday I heard him upstairs in his crib talking and singing.  I went back in to check on him and told him that I was wrapping presents for his birthday.  He asked me, "are there swords in there?"  He is really into knights in addition to super heroes.  I also rocked him and told him about the night he was born.  I really liked the part about peeing in my face the moment they laid him in my arms. 

Jed was still sleeping when I left for work in the morning, so I didn't get to wish him a happy birthday first thing.  Now, this probably doesn't sound like too big of a deal, but to an emotional mother, it's everything.  I did go to Peggy's at lunch and see him though, so that made things a little better.  That evening after Evangeline's piano practice we let him open some presents before dinner. 
We had biscuits and gravy per his request, even though he was too excited to eat much of them.  After dinner we opened the rest of the presents and had an ice cream cake.  His gifts included a spin toothbrush with Iron Man on it.  A little wrist watch, a Batman Duplo set and a set of foam swords and shields.  I also found a little knight's tunic. Evangeline got him a squirt bottle fan (he's wanted hers ever since she bought one on our trip to Northern IN earlier in the summer). My mom was there to help us celebrate as well.
Multitasking:  Holding up the number 3 while eating cake....
We love this little boy so much.  I can't believe he is three!  Watching a person grow and change truly calls so much attention to the quick pace of time.  Jed is such a special guy.  He adds to our lives so richly.  He is a blessing.