Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Kyle's Birthday

Since January I've been running 2-4 miles almost daily.  I've changed my eating habits, cut way down on sweets and drastically limited my alcohol intake.  I ran 2 miles during most week days and more on the weekends.  Kyle has been biking, running and eating healthily since last fall.  Kyle told me that what he wanted for his birthday was for us to run a 5K together.  It was absolutely exhilarating and I left feeling amazed at what I could do.  I finished in 32 minutes and Kyle finished in 26 minutes.  He thought I was giving him a gift, but really it was a gift he gave to me.


I've notice that my hobbies have been going through cycles.  I never imaged there would be a time in my life where knitting wasn't my love.  I haven't knitted anything since last summer.  I used to be found with needles in hand at any moment of down time.  I really don't understand what happened, but that's not the case anymore.  I'm hoping the "knitting bug" will return to me at some point, but other things are interesting me right now.  I've been enjoying painting in spurts.  I'm have no idea what I'm doing and Kyle is always ready to give me pointers, but it's something I'm finding fun and relaxing.  It's also something I can do with my kids.  

This is Jed after his bath.  He thought he was hiding from me and it was hilarious.....

My kids both like being involved in the kitchen.  I love when I find something they can both help me with.  We like making pizzas when we have time.  They can each make their own and they love it.

These two sure do love their daddy....
Maybe you can't see it, but there are two little heads just poking over the top of the couch belonging to my children cuddled up and reading together....
Evangeline was reading him a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle graphic novel and it was very amusing to listen to.  The wording was hilarious and hearing Evangeline reading some of the exchanges between turtles was priceless.
Jed's face....

He's really into ninjas right now...

My Children in March

My handsome boy and his chocolate brown eyes.  I love him so, my heart.... He gets made when anyone calls him a baby, but he'll always be mine....

Not ready to meet the queen....

Little girl getting so big.  Doesn't like to sleep in her own room, but loves to hang out in it....a beauty with a heart of gold.  My love.
We received a letter in the mail notifying us that Evangeline was a recipient of the B.I.G.G.E.R award presented by the Optimist Club.  The award was given to Evangeline in recognition of "boosting and improving grades, grammar, effort and reading".  Of course we are so very proud of her.  
Illness hit our family pretty hard in early March.  Evangeline had Influenza A resulting in her missing over a week of school.  Just when she was well enough to return, Jed was diagnosed with Influenza B.  Both children had their flu shots and I'm thankful for that because the doctor said that it lessened the intensity of the illnesses.  I can't imagine what it would have been like for them in it's full state.  Evangeline's flu was a lower grade fever that lingered on for days.  Jed's fever reached over 104 and resulted in two trips to the doctor.  It was horrifying.  His was shorter lived though.  I had a fever as well, but nothing like the kids had it.  Absolutely nothing worse that sick children. 
Jed got slippers and it was a real big deal.  He wanted the ones that looked like his Daddy's....

Valentine's Day

Evangeline set up her little Valentine making station on our newly refinished 1850's writing desk I snagged from the farm.  She gave her classmates vintage Valentines and cute little erasers.  Valentine preparations are serious business...
My Valentine sent beautiful roses to my school....

Evangeline bought Kyle and I a box of chocolates and a sweet card with her own money when she talked Ammie into taking her to the store one afternoon.  She bought her brother a balloon.  She's such a thoughtful girl.
Evangeline made chocolate covered strawberries with the fondue pot she got for Christmas.