Saturday, March 30, 2013

Fare-Thee-Well, Spring Break

We have had a pretty great week around here.  There have been a lot of hours spent hanging out in our jammies, playing, baking, crafting, coloring, reading, snuggling and visiting with a few friends and lots of family.  I'm sad that Spring Break is coming to a close.  At least we are in the final push before summer vacation.  I think I can make it.

Evangeline did such a wonderful job singing "This is the Day that the Lord Hath Made" at Palm Sunday service last week.  We were so proud of her.  She got to play with her cousins on Sunday and Monday.  She always has such a wonderful time with them.  Ammie took the girls shopping for their Easter dresses and she is really looking forward to wearing it.  Oh, and speaking of new garments...Grandma got Evangeline a new bathing suite in Indianapolis last week and I think she has had it on every day this past week.

We got another snow last Sunday and Monday, but it melted away pretty quickly.  We used it as an excuse to watch a movie in the afternoon and bake.  Poor Evangeline got another ear infection (or "ear collection" as she was calling it).  The doctor sent us to an Ear, Nose and Throat Specialist who determined she will need tubes.  I don't like the thought of her going through a procedure, but it's a pretty routine thing anymore and I think it will beat having ear infection after ear infection.  She was a real trooper at the almost 3 hour appointment that ran straight through her nap time.  The doctor was silly with her, she likes silly people.
Yesterday as we were playing outside Evangeline’s princess ball rolled down the steep incline of our driveway into the woods.  She was really upset so I decided I would try to make my way down to get it.  She was so nervous as I started down the slop and through the thorns. She kept asking, “mama, are you going to get eaten by trolls?” and “I’m right here mama” and “be careful mama”.  As soon as I got it back up the hill I kicked it toward the driveway.  It hit the side of my foot and went straight back down into the woods again.  This time I really felt like I had to get it since it was my lack of kicking skills that landed it back down in the woods.  It was all worth it though because after I climbed back up and handed Evangeline the ball she said, "You saved the day!! You’re the best!". She was very proud of her mommy.

Even with the snow we have been gearing up for Easter and spring!  
Here is the Easter bonnet Evangeline made at Ms. Linda's last week.
We went to the Easter Cantata last Thursday.  It was a long hour keeping a little girl quiet, but it was a beautiful service.  Evangeline loves to watch Ammie sing in the choir.
Mommy: "Did you know you wore that sweater on your very first Easter?"
Evangeline: "Yea, I know.  It was awesome to see it."

She likes to say "peek-a-boo, pull it through" while attempting to button buttons, which she learned from Danial Tiger's Neighborhood.  It's pretty cute.
We made Easter shaped sugar cookies last night.  This girl loves frosting, chocolate and sprinkles.  She cannot be trusted not to take a handful or this, or a big finger swipe of that.
Now wait just a minute...

 Evangeline: "Mommy's the best baker, right Daddy?"

One of her favorite mugs made by Grandpa.

Here is another one of Evangeline's sketches from earlier this morning.  It's a sad girl. She said, "she's sad because her Papa wouldn't let her watch TV."  Oh, the things that go on in that little girl's mind. 

Monday, March 25, 2013

A Great Kick-Off to Spring Break

Grandma Debbi surprised Evangeline with tickets to Sesame Street Live last weekend.  Oh my goodness, such fun!  We went with Grandma, Cooper Schaumleffel and his mommy, Missy.  Evangeline had been talking all week about how excited she was to see all the characters, particularly Elmo and Abby.  We all had a great time!  Thanks, Mom!
We had to have all the proper accessories.

Evangeline especially loved the part at the end of the show where they "splashed" confetti into the air.

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Milking the Birthday and St. Patrick's Day Fun!

It's become a running joke around here about how Kyle can really make a birthday last.  Last year we had various birthday celebrations for Kyle on into April!  Well, he may just do it again this year too.  We had another little celebration with my dad last weekend.  Kyle wanted him to come over and make an Asian meal for his birthday.  Dad seemed happy to oblige and dazzled us with seared scallops, shrimp and Kimchi fried rice.  I even got to break in the beautiful chop stick set Zachary brought me from Japan a few weeks ago.  Here is a view around our table that blissful day...
My old man does not disappoint. 


Evangeline has been cracking us up lately with the things that come out of her mouth.  Last week while eating dinner with Grandma at Wise Pies, they ran into one of my mom's friends.  He was making chit-chat with Evangeline and here is a snippet from the conversation...
Friend: "Evangeline, what are you going to do when you grow up?"
Evangeline: "die"

When I brought Evangeline home from Ms. Linda's one night last week she told me that she had been in time out that day for batting rainbows hanging in the preschool and making 2 of them fall.  Then she started telling me about how she had gotten upset when they were making the rainbows because she messed up when coloring it (I couldn't make out the whole story, but it was something to that effect).  I asked her if Ms. Linda got mad at her and she said "no, she was just.... frustrated". 

She just couldn't be more precious.  She has been asking and talking so much about Jesus lately.  She told me last night that someday when she sees Jesus she is going to give him a big hug. 

She is also such a little artist.  I am amazed by her coloring and drawing ability   Her fine motor skills surpasses some of the children in my 1st grade class.  
This is a pig Evangeline drew and colored last week. 
On Saturday, March 16th we walked from Dad's house down to Ohio Blvd. to watch the St. Patrick's Day parade.  This is the second year we have attended and it is such fun.  It's located in the best part of Terre Haute, within walking distance from Dad's house, and there are more people in the parade than people watching it. We are able to spread out and just watch Evangeline get showered in candy.  She had an absolute blast!  
My little fashionista sporting the skirt from her cowgirl Halloween costume worn inside-out.

Waiting for the parade to begin!
She discovered quickly that waving will do wonders for her candy collecting efforts.

Poor, sheltered child thought it was really neat when she got a peanut butter cup and said that they were like what she had seen on TV.

It was a candy free for all!  Each time I looked at her she was eating another piece of candy.  I finally had to draw the line.   

It was a good day.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Birthdays and a Silly Snowy Day

Kyle's 38th birthday was last Saturday.  We celebrated by bringing him breakfast from the local coffee shop.   That afternoon some of the family on his side came over for a celebration.  Since I am not really comfortable with cooking for larger numbers of people, we fell on our old staple, the grill.  Not a bad cook out if you can get past the fact that it was snowing all day.

We were blessed again with another snow day just when I needed it the most.  I don't think I took my stay-at-home mommy time for granted.  At least I tried not too.  I knew it was a fleeting gift.  If it wasn't for a set of specific circumstances before Evangeline's birth I probably would have never had the chance to stay at home with her.  I thank God for that time I had.  Now that I am working full time, a day at home with Evangeline just feels like such a rare gift. I have been so busy since starting my job that I never really had a chance to mourn my stay-at-home years.  It has been catching up to me lately though....

I made this hat a couple years ago.  It was the first thing I knitted using my homespun yarn.  When I pulled it out for Evangeline she said it looked like cauliflower.
Mommy and E.B. in our homespun, hand knit hats.

After coming inside, warming up and doing some coloring, Evangeline decided to draw a map to catch a leprechaun.   She insisted we go outside and search for one.  
Here she is with her map (or mat, as she called it).
Leprechaun catching face

Off we go.

Consulting the map.

She even included the big cross that we pass in Effingham on the way to Carbondale on her map.

We discovered some tiny footprints in the snow that were headed down into the woods.  We decided that the Leprechaun was on to us and headed for cover. 

I think Evangeline was picturing little leprechauns running around in our woods when I took this picture. 

We decided to just make our own leprechaun.