Monday, December 29, 2014

Love and Joy

Christmas was interesting this year since I was sick almost all of last week with a serious head cold and fever.  Such a bummer since I absolutely love Christmas and all of the Christmassy pastimes that lead up to the big day.  My yucky little bug didn't keep me all the way down.  We did manage to do a little baking, make some cookies and watch the classics on TV.  Evangeline and I also tried our hand at a gingerbread house.  We had such fun decorating this thing and decided that it should be added to our list of Christmas traditions. 

Another big event from our past week was Evangeline's hair cut.  We decided to go short.  We've had enough morning tangle battles.  It's adorable.
We spent Christmas Eve as we always do, with the Wilson-Burress clan at Peggy's house, then church, then dinner, then gifts.  A fantastic night was hand by almost everyone.  This was not my best night.  I was pretty miserable and did not even snap one picture.  Thankfully Kristen sent me a few of the pictures she took.....
Christmas morning was magical.  Evangeline got her stuffed dog courtesy of Old St. Nick.  When she first saw it she was afraid to go to it.  It looked just a little too real.  Kyle had to walk over with her, pat it on the head and reassure her that it was, indeed stuffed. 
She spent the whole morning in her new Elsa dress practicing her calligraphy with her new kit.  
That good dog just sat right next to her as she watched that nasty Burgermeister Meisterburger try to stop Santa.  
We had a great Christmas afternoon at the farm with my wonderfully awesome and amazing family.  
I got to play a little game I call "smooch the grump". 
Grandma brought her arsenal of grandkid Christmas crafts.  
Then it was back home to recharge for two more days of family Christmas fun!  (I can't get enough of that bob-haircut.  It's especially cute in the morning when she has bedhead.)
The next day and night was spent at Papa and Karen's.  We always have so much fun visiting, eating, playing, gift opening, movie watching.  It's nice to have a day where we all get together and have nowhere else to go.
Our last stop on the Christmas Celebration Express was at Aunt Wanda's house with the rest of Kyle's amazingly wonderful and awesome family.   More cousins, more presents, more food. 
As I sat awake feeling horrible a few nights ago I thought about our school custodian, Rick's wise thoughts on being sick....he said that it's a good thing God makes us sick every once and a while so that we can truly appreciate being healthy.  Today as I sit here, able to breath comfortably, without struggle out of both of my nostrils I do thank God for the immeasurable gift of health.  The immeasurable gift of breath.  The reminder of this gift comes at a time when gifts abound.  A reminder once again that it is not the tangible, but the intangible gifts that are the ones that matter.

Friday, December 19, 2014

Christmas Events Galore!

There's been some serious hustle and bustle going on around here.  This has been THE most hectic week and a half.  Between the stuff we've had to do and the stuff we've wanted to do there just hasn't really been any spare moments.  It's all about to change though, at least for the next 2 weeks.  Ahhh, a much needed break has at long last arrived. 
Here's are a few of the highlights from our crazy holiday season so far...
Mr. Hutson did a fabulous job being our December Rotary Reader.  The kids adored him and I mean this when I say that so far he has done the best job reading to the class.  He must get a lot of practice reading to kids or something. 
I let Evangeline pick out her Christmas dress this year.  She found the one she wanted and clutched it tight as we walked around the store.  She was overjoyed saying, "I can't believe you're letting me get this dress!"  She's pretty much lived in it around the house ever since.  The girl's got good taste. 
Evangeline's Kindergarten Christmas program was nothing short of precious.  They did a few songs from Frozen along with the classic Christmas program songs.  I thought she really stood out :)  

The little guy behind here, Bo, is one of her best buddies.  They have been very close since the days of  Ms. Linda's.  I always see them paling around together at school....occasionally the two of them get into a little trouble together too.  They had to be separated from each other on the rug.  Little stinkers.
There's definitely been much excitement and anticipation going on in our house. 
Mom and I took Evangeline to see Santa at our annual Santa stop, Clabber Girl.  We had fun making crafts and vising the jolly old guy in red.  I asked Evangeline what she told Santa she wanted and she said, "I told him I wanted a stuffed dog that looks real.  I was going to tell him I wanted a nutcracker too, but then I decided I had too many toys." 
This was the first I had heard of both the dog and the nutcracker.  Thank goodness they were more reasonable items than "a real wardrobe that opens up to Narnia", which is what she told Kyle she was going to ask Santa for one day last week.  
I was getting so sentimental tonight looking back at her past pictures with Santa.  She is growing up so fast.  How many more years will we have these treasured pictures taken...the ones with "the magic"?
And since there's never enough to do we hopped on over to Christmas Fun at the Woods.  We got to tour the new shrine of Saint Mother Theodor.  The special thing about it was that they were giving tours specifically geared for children this day.  They had sisters dressed as various people that played a key part in the life of Saint Theodor and acted out the steps that lead her to SMTW.  They made sure all the children were up front when they talked and spoke directly to them.  When we got to the room where Saint Mother Theodor rests a nun spoke a bit more about SMTG.  The sister then told everyone that she would be praying in the corner if anyone had a special prayer request for her to write down for the sisters to pray about.  Evangeline marched right up and got in line to tell her something.  When she got back I asked her what she told her to pray for...."my family".  She was completely engrossed with the whole tour.  She's always been fascinated with nuns ever since our nun encounter at the Shell Chapel last summer.  Evangeline asked me if she could be a nun when she grows up.  I explained to her that nuns cannot get married or have children and she said she was fine with that.  Aye yai yai.  Later that evening she asked me to help her write a letter to Santa saying, "Dear Santa, I forgot to tell you when I was on your sleigh that I would like a nun outfit."  I think I talked her out of that one for now, but she's definitely considering it for her Halloween costume. 
After the tour of the shrine the girls got to decorate cookies, make crafts, pet the alpacas, see a Christmas doll house and village, dress up in nativity costumes, etc.  It was delightful. 
The Children's Christmas pageant was last Sunday at church.  It was very special this year because not only was Evangeline in the play, Kyle was too!  He accompanied the kids in two songs on the guitar.  They both did a spectacular job. 
This picture was just to test the lighting since I have a broken flash on my camera, but I decided it was a significant picture.  Not only does it show how lovely our church looks all decked out for the season, but it is also the view from our pew.  We've claimed this spot over the past year or so.  It will probably be our same pew when we are old and grey.  That's why they call us Methodists I guess.  
The kindergarten class had Polar Express day.  It was a fun day for the kids.  They got to wear their pajamas, drink hot cocoa and do all kinds of special activities.  Mrs. Reynolds sent me a picture of Evangeline in her jammies. 
I couldn't attend much of Evangeline's school Christmas party, but fortunately Evangeline is lucky enough to have Ammie at the ready to go to all the things I have to miss.  I was able to pop in for about 15 minutes during 1st grade recess and it looked like everyone was having a great time.  The party was set up in stations for crafts and snacks.  They were just getting ready to play "Feed the Santa" when I had to get back to class.  I'm so happy Peggy took some pictures for me.  
Kyle and I hosted our Sunday School Christmas party last weekend as well.  It was a great time, but man were we exhausted.  I had a bit of a fever on Monday and had to suck it up in order to attend the Rotary Christmas party with Kyle.  All of these activities were going on in the midst of 2nd Quarter assessments, 1st grade Grinch day, and our 1st grade classroom Christmas party.  It's Friday and I'm ready to collapse.