Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Snips, Dirt, Friends, Etc...

I got to spend a little time with Jessica and Amy a few weeks ago.  I hadn't seen or spoken to Jess in about 2 and a half years.  So it was very nice to catch up. 
This little Jed is just impossible to keep clean.  He looks for ways to get dirty.  If there is a puddle he will bend down and dip his head in it.  If there is mud he will lay down in it. 

I cut his hair because it's expensive, time consuming and stressful to have it done professionally.  It's always a crapshoot though.  It's hard to cut hair when you've never had any training, let alone on the head of a moving target.  We call it "the snips".  When I told my hair dresser that I cut his hair with a pair of elementary school scissors she cringed.  He got the Walters hair too.  It's a curly little mop with no rhyme or reason and it grows like a weed.
We were hanging on by a thread the last few weeks or so with the final push to the end of the school year.  Juggling softball, homework, piano, figuring out dinner, packing lunches, getting everyone bathed, field trips, etc....intense.   

Mother's Day

The mother/daughter banquet at church this year was especially enjoyable because there was a local bluegrass band that was made up of youth from the area.  They were fantastic and Evangeline was inspired.  
Peggy was especially touched by a song about grandma's garden.  It was something to do with her garden being grown with love.  It was a metaphorical song about the garden being her children and grandchildren.  She had tears rolling down her cheeks as the song was played.  As I was taking this picture I saw Peggy tearing up again and she said, "there's grandma's garden".  Proud grandma.
These three have such a special friendship.  
Of course I was spoiled on Mother's Day with my favorite kinds of gifts.....the homemade kind.  Jed was telling me for 2 days that he signed a card for me.  He would say, "I made a special card just for you.  I wrote my name, J-E-D.  It says I love you."  He was so proud.  Kyle and the kids also got me some new planters.  Such a lovely surprise!  Kyle also went to get me a bacon, egg and cheese biscuit in the morning.  I was feeling the love.
I got to spend time in the nursery with Jed during Sunday School on Mother's Day.  I happened to have my camera and wanted to get a picture to remember him this small...playing in the church nursery.  

We did our annual picnic at Lincoln Trail.  It was such a beautiful, perfect day. 
Peggy brought this bubble kit she bought last fall.  It makes enormous bubbles.  We had so much fun with it. 
Mother's Day is my favorite next to Christmas.  I'm so blessed with these sweet two that call me Mom. 

Monday, May 14, 2018

My Birthday

I say this year after year, but I just love my birthday.  It just never gets old.  I don't care who knows how old I am and I will never be ashamed to admit my age.  That's just silly.  Every single birthday is cause for celebration.   Anyway, I had a lovely birthday.  It was a cold but sunshiny day.  We went to church and then to Saint Mary's for brunch and a walk, which is always my yearly birthday pick.  


Oh, April!  Where did you go?  It came and went and we enjoyed it all (except for the cold temps and rain)...

I looked out the window a few weekends ago to see feet dangling from one of the front trees.  I found Evangeline nestled in the branches with books perched precariously beside her.  She read for quite awhile right there in the tree. 

One cold day in April I took my kids to the Earth Day celebration at Saint Mary of the Woods.  Just as Jed was cold and over it, Mom showed up with Cale.  Evangeline decided to stay with them while I took Jed home.  I love these pictures Mom took of the two of them.  
On Arbor Day Evangeline's teacher, Mrs. Ockerman, sent a tree home with each of the kids.  Evangeline was so excited to plant it.  Jed helped, of course. 

This "to-do" list is currently taped to Evangeline's dresser...
1) Eat
2) dressed
3)  teeth *floss if needed.
4)  hair
5)  shoes
6)  Free time whenever ready
This is the list she made for getting ready in the morning....the girl is all about a list. 

A few entries ago I mentioned having something special made with my kids side profile pictures.....I now am the proud owner of these two beautiful silhouettes.  The artist also put the silhouettes in a locket.  I will cherish these. 

Evangeline entered the two following pictures in the annual children's art show at the Gaslight Art Colony.  The top picture, "Singing In the Rain" won 2nd place for her age division.  The other picture she titled, "BFF"

The next few pictures were shared with me by her teacher.  She is pictured with the robot she made with recycled materials for Earth Day and then again at the FFA petting zoo.

(In the tire with good friend Mayah Boyd.)
I love this next picture for 2 reasons: 1) if you look closely you will see an adorable little boy in the sink, 2) my kitchen is SO clean! 

I've been trying making time here and there for a little creativity.  I made this wreath with dried boxwood, lavender and eucalyptus and it smells wonderful....

Jed loves to explore Evangeline's room.  She isn't too crazy about him getting into her things and checking everything out.  One day last week she was spending the day with grandma.....let's just say, when the cat's away the mice will play...