Friday, January 4, 2019

Our Guy

Here are some pictures of Mr. Jed I had on my camera that I just had to include.  Jed is just the sweetest little fella.  He loves to let me know if he didn't get his morning hugs and kisses.  He loves to snuggle and will frequently ask if he can snuggle on the couch with me.  Jed loves to sink his nose to my chest and smell my shirt.  I think he still misses nursing, but doesn't remember quite what he's missing.    He's always making us laugh with his shenanigans. 
When he refers to anything that happened in the past he calls it, "lasterday".
He still makes sure to tell us Merry Christmas and Happy New Year each night as we put him to bed.  (His goodnight greeting was in season for about a month there.) 
He tells me "I missed you" like a million times in a day.  I think this must be his way of saying "I love you". He also has been recently telling me, "I like to be around with you." Makes my heart melt.

He sometimes refers to his daddy as "football guy."
When something unplanned happens he says things like, "I did it on accident, on purpose."
He doesn't eat much dinner.  He eats a big breakfast and a fairly good lunch.
He loves milk.
He LOVES Star Wars.  He particularly loves Darth Vador (Darf Bador).

I overheard this little gem of a conversation:
Daddy:  "Jed, did you poop?"
Jed: "I thought you did."

Jed loves watching Peter Rabbit on TV.  When certain parts get intense he starts running around like he's in the show.
There was one particular episode where their was a "fierce bad rabbit".  I asked him to tell me about it and he said, "Let's not talk about the fierce bad rabbit.  He's too violent for kids."
He frequently quotes Peter Rabbit and it's pretty funny because he has good comedic timing.  For example, I was telling him he had better tip his head back and cover his eyes while I rinse the shampoo out of his hair (a part of bath time he hates).  He started to do it, but before he did he started saying, "Rabbits are brave, rabbits are brave", like he was giving himself some kind of a pep talk.
At church I tell him things like, if you can sit quietly in the pew, then you can go up for children's moment.  He says, "I'll be a good boy, I pwwwwwomise."  He uses his pwwwwomises a lot.
On occasion I hear him tell Evangeline to stop arguing with him.  It's kind of funny.  He'll say, "EB! Stop arguing!"
One evening after a day with no nap, he was in a particularly horrible mood.  He went over to Kyle on the couch and told him, crying, "I just can't seem to get it together".  He got some instant snuggle after that statement. 
The next morning I walked in to get him out of his crib and he told me, "I'm going to be good for Santa today!  Mom, I'm not mad at you today!"

I was reading Jed a chapter from Frog and Toad called Shivers, where Frog is telling Toad a ghost story.  I was explaining to Jed that it was just pretend and that Frog was making up the story to frighten Toad.  I said, Frog was just telling Toad a tale.  Jed replied, "I don't have a tail, I have a behind."
He loves to belt out nursery rhymes and he loves to sing "Holly Jolly Christmas" all on repeat. 
Jed has a little star maker in his room that projects stars and moons on his ceiling.  It has a dome lid, which he calls a "ringy bell dong".  He also made up a song that goes, "Ringy bell dong it's ringy bell dong."  It's super catchy and we all like to sing it.  He feels very proud when we break out in that song.
He always has to ask if it's good morning time or good evening time.  Especially when he wakes up in the morning or from his nap.  He's all confused about what time of the day it is.
Ohhhhhh, my goodness!  We love him!!


Evangeline participated in our church's float in the town Christmas parade again this year.  This parade is getting bigger and bigger every year which is very exciting.  
For the second year now South School has worked very hard to transform the school for Christmas.  This year we did The Grinch.  It was fun working on it with all of my work family.  It's such a wonderful place to work.  Evangeline was so excited to help.  Below she is helping Mrs. Morgan, our principal, paint some of the Who-Ville scenery.  I took Jed, Evangeline and Peggy in to see it during our open house.  There was a live reindeer and the kids got Grinch cookies and punch.  
We love getting out our tub of Christmas books at the start of the holiday season.  We have so many good ones and the kids just love them.  

School Choral Recital

Evangeline chose to be in the North School chorus this year.  They practice once a week on Mondays during flex time.  Evangeline absolutely loves her music teacher, Mrs. Wilson.  They even eat lunch together once a month.  The chorus program was absolutely lovely.  The forth grade group sang several songs.  Two of my favorites were The Everlasting Fruitcake and Sing We Now of Christmas.  (Evangeline is in the front row in the green dress.)

Three best friends....

and her other sweet friend, Kaiden....

Trimming the Tree

I just love going in to say good morning to Jed before I leave for school.  He is so imaginative.  He's usually amusing himself by looking through his books/magazines and constantly calling us in to tell us what he wants for Christmas.  He loves to look out his window, which is what he is doing in the below picture....
We waited a day or so to decorate the Hutson Family Tree.  We had a few light string glitches to work out, but the kids just love to decorate the tree.  It sure is beautiful!  

Jed was super surprised to pull a Storm Trooper out of the ornament box!  He held it up and said, "What!".  His face was priceless.  
We also enjoy decorating the big tree at Christmas every year at the Hanging of the Greens.  After we decorate the church we have dinner and sing carols.  It's such a lovely way to kick off the holiday season.