Thursday, August 8, 2019

Field Of Wishes

We had so many dandelions in our yard in the spring.  The kids loved running around in them and making wishes as they blew the seeds all over the place.  One day the kids were playing in them and Kyle mentioned that he needed to mow them all down.  Jed started to cry, "why does Daddy want to kill our wishes?"
These are some pictures I took at Lincoln Trail when we went to the lake for dinner.  It was a lovely spring evening.  
Flowers from my children...

Fun and Games

Kristen hosted a spring birthday party for the family.  She had some little backyard games planned for the kids.  It's a fun time with Jed old enough to participate in these kinds of things.  He's lucky to have so many mother hens around to help him.....

Sweet Release!

Everybody said that once your child starts school the years will really fly by.  Turns out it's true!  My baby girl is finished with 4th grade.  She had such a wonderful school year.  I'm so proud of her and how studious she is.  She takes learning seriously, pleases her teachers, is very well behaved and does her best.  She is a kind person and good friend.  What more could a mother ask for. 
We took these pictures of us before we left the house on our last day of school.  
We got out early and came home to play.  I took too many pictures of my sweet children in the wild mustard beside our house.  We were all so happy and relieved to have a break from the grind. 

Mother's Day

If I've said it once, I've said it a million times,  I love Mother's Day.  The Mother Daughter Banquet was a fashion show of local boutiques.  We were asked to participate.  (This was way out of my comfort zone and I would never had agreed to it if it weren't for the fact that it was Kelly Lindley that asked me to help.) 

This year it was a rainy one.  We went to church and then to Peggy's for an indoor picnic.  My loves got me a new book lamp a bar of really good chocolate.  I was spoiled for the whole day.  My favorite thing about Mother's Day is reflecting on my journey as a mother to these two little ones.  It's of course full of ups and downs, twists and turns, and lots of exhaustion, but it's been the most rewarding role I've ever played.   

These pictures was not taken on Mother's Day, but it just seemed like a great place to stick them...Evangeline fell asleep this night holding my hand.  It's the moments like these that I want to hold onto forever. 

4th Grade Trip

Evangeline's 4th grade class took a field trip to the Indianapolis Children's Museum last spring.  Mom came along with me as a chaperone.  We had one other little girl assigned to us, Kirsten Schalburg.  Mom and I met the school bus at the museum and we had until noon to take Kirsten to as many exhibits as we could get to.  She was leaving on the bus at noon so we had to rush around.  After Kirsten left we signed Evangeline out of school and spent the rest of the afternoon at the museum.  We had so much fun together. 
In the pop culture area there was the statue of Han Solo frozen in carbonite. We sent this picture to Jed via Kyle's phone and he was obsessed with it.  He talked about Han Solo frozen in carbonite all the time after that.
The outdoor sports complex is very impressive.  We had lots of fun.  We raced each other in a mini Indy race and a nascar race.  Evangeline was hysterical.  She didn't have enough strength to really get it going.  We all laughed the whole way around the track.
On the way home we stopped at Noodles and Company for dinner.  Evangeline was determined to learn how to use her chopsticks.  Grandma was a great teacher.  She finally got it down and was so proud of herself.  She even took an extra pair of chopsticks with her to eat her leftovers with in her school lunch the next day.  


Such a fun day!!!