Sunday, November 29, 2015

Thanksgiving Break

This was a page in Evangeline's Thankful Journal she brought home from school.  It says, "I am thankful for my great great grandma who is named Lucy Star-Eyes because she is an Indian."
What  lovely week it was.  We have so much to be thankful for.  After school on Tuesday I took the kids for a sleepover with Grandma.  Cale was spending the night too, so Zachary and Candice came for dinner after they got off of work.  Kyle joined us also, which made things even more special.  Evangeline helped Grandma decorate her tree.  The next morning Mom and I took all three kids for breakfast at the Cracker Barrel.  Wow, 3 kids, 2 being under 14 months was exciting for sure, but we had a great time.

We spent Thanksgiving morning watching the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade as we do each year.  During a commercial break I heard the sound of cutting and stapling coming from Evangeline's room and she came out with this cute little turkey feather belt around her waist. 
The first of our Thanksgiving feasts was held at Papa and Karen's house.  We brought the sweet potato casserole.  

It was soup that evening at Peggy's house with Peggy, Granny and Roy.  
My two favorite turkeys this side of the mashed potatoes...
On Friday we put the tree up...the same old tree I've been decking since I was around Evangeline's age.  Evangeline was a great help this year.  She was all about fluffing the limbs and assembling the tree.  
This guy just sucked on his little fingers and wondered what in the world we were doing.  
Later in the morning we geared up in our other turkey outfit and headed for my Dad's house for another Thanksgiving get-together.  (I would love to find the picture I have of Evangeline in this outfit for a side-by-side comparison.) 
Evangeline and Cale love to chase each other around.  It goes on and on.  
We finished trimming the tree on Saturday.   I had to take a deep breath and control my OCD over the placement of the ornaments and just let little Evangeline go to town.  Now I look at the tree and see 3 ornaments hanging on 1 branch, or a clump of ornaments right next to a bare spot and just smile.  It's perfect.  It was so much fun to watch her pull out each ornament and find just the right spot to hang it.    
Ohhhh, sweet sleeping baby.  Don't you dare tell this mommy that these pictures are all the same.  Each picture has a face, expression, angle I want to remember forever.  
These were some of my attempts at a Christmas card picture.  It was freezing though and we were literally outside for about 3 minutes, if that.  
Precious little Jed loves to smack away at his hands and fingers.  It's one of the cutest things I've ever seen.  

Sunday, November 22, 2015

The First Snow

We got our first snow of the season this past weekend.  Talk about exciting.  The flakes were huge and it came down fast.  It didn't stay long, but it sure was pretty while it lasted. 
I just happened to take this picture as she was realizing just how cold her hands were.  We had to go in briefly for a dry pair of gloves and hat.  
The gentlemen enjoyed fireside snuggles.  

The Latest Sport

The latest sport is basketball.  She likes it.  Her games are at the Boys and Girls Club.  It's so cute watching kids learn about sports for the first time...just getting thrown into a game and going for it.  
The ball in this picture was from her shot.  Kyle said she was shooting "bombs", but we had to hand it to her, she was shooting.  We were proud.