Wednesday, August 26, 2015

God's Beloved

My little Jed Daniel Hutson entered this world on Friday, August 21st at 1:43 AM.  He came here much faster than his sister.  I think we were lucky to make it to the hospital when we did.... On the way home from school on Thursday I had a contraction that actually hurt.  I had to breath my way through it.  I didn't think too much of it though, because I had been having contractions for weeks.  I got Evangeline changed for gymnastics, gave her a snack and got her to her 4:30 class.  I sat in the waiting room with the other moms and we chatted and watched our daughters together.  I had a few more painful contractions while there, but still didn't think too much about them.  After class we headed home.  Kyle was there when we got home and within about 10 minutes of being home we decided to order a pizza for dinner.  Kyle made the call and I sat down on the couch.  Just as soon as I sat down I had a very painful contraction.  I decided that that contraction definitely did not feel like the normal ones I had been experiencing the weeks and days prior.  All of the sudden they kept coming at 3 minute intervals.  I told Kyle that I thought I was in labor.  Evangeline started running around in an excited panic.  She immediately ran into her room, changed out of her leotard and packed her "going to grandma's" suitcase.  She was ready to go.  She ran straight to her art closet and made me a sign that said, "If you feel sick, ask for a cuddle".  I told her (in between contractions) that I could use a cuddle.  She threw her arms around me and said she would throw in a smooch too.  Evangeline's excitement turned to nervousness.  She had a hard time telling me goodbye as she left for Ammie's house.  She also told Kyle in the car that she was nervous because she had never seen her mommy have a baby before.  Peggy also told me that Evangeline was full of nerves at her house.  I took the sign she made for me to the hospital and put it up in my room. 
Kyle asked me what I wanted to do about the pizza we ordered about 3 seconds earlier.  I told him to pick it up on the way to take Evangeline to Ammie's so they could both eat.  I took a shower.  By the time he got back it was definitely time to get to the hospital.  At the time we got there I was 8 centimeters dilated and 100% effaced.  The whole delivery team was in the room ready to go.   It wasn't until that dreadful epidural that I realized that I could have had the baby right then and there, but there wasn't a whole lot of communication going on.  I totally would have opted out of the epidural had I known, but I was trying to spare us all the stress and drama that was involved with Evangeline's delivery.  The epidural slowed things down by a couple of hours.  Mom was able to be there, which was awesome.  This was a much more relaxing labor and delivery than Evangeline's.  I only pushed for about 10 minutes and then there was my new little miracle.  
Another dark haired baby.  He looks so much like Evangeline did when she was a baby.
I got to hold him skin to skin for at least an hour before they took him from me to be weighed.  It was so funny, when they first laid him on me, he peed right into my face and mouth.  I thought, well, I'm officially a mother of a boy.  He was so much bigger than I had expected. 8 pounds 2 ounces, 21 inches long! 
And here comes big sis!!!  Proud as can be.  We told her his name before we told anyone else, and let her be the one to announce it.  She had just said to Kyle the night before that she liked the name Fred.  We thought she would like Jed too since it rhymed, she did.  She spent a lot of time making him a bag with Ammie filled with things she had made for him, books and toys.  She also got a few of her old toys that she's been holding on to for him.  She gave the bag to him at the hospital.  She's the best. 
I missed her so much.  Kyle and I couldn't wait to see her.  She skipped school that day.  She told Ammie it was the best day because she got a baby brother, got to skip school, got chocolate milk AND chocolate pie!!
Here she is meeting him for the first time and giving him his special gift.  After I delivered him, we called Peggy.  Evangeline woke up and she saw some of the pictures my mom had sent Peggy immediately after he was born.  She asked Peggy if he was going to get cuter.  He was a little wrinkly in the pictures she saw and she was a tad concerned.  I spoke with her after delivery too.  I told her she had a little brother and her response was, "yay". 

Of course, the grandparents are totally in love. 
So is the big girl....

Jed had a little something for Evangelien too....a little dry erase board set to pass the time in the hospital. 
Jed got to get his first bath in the hospital room.  This was all so different than how they did things in Carbondale.  Right after I had Evangeline they whisked her away for over an hour to do her bath and all that stuff.  This was so much better.  
More visitors!!  Welcome to the world's greatest family, Jed! 
More pics of Evangeline and Papa.  I just love the expressions.....
Here's one of his hospital pictures.  Kyle snapped this one with his phone.  Hospital pictures have sure gotten fancy over the years. 
We had to stay in the hospital for what seemed like forever!  One night the Bears had a pre-season game.  Kyle was stoked to watch it with his son....even if his son did MUCH more sleeping than watching.

Grandma brought Evangeline to us before we were discharged on Sunday.  Evangeline brought Jed flowers she picked from Grandma's garden. 

And then we left, a family of four. 
Evangeline told me that she had a surprise waiting for me in her room when we got home.....she had cleaned it with Ammie!  (Yes, this is what clean looks like in Evangeline's room.)
And here are some picture of my little glowworm all swaddled up, looking ever so small in that crib.  I know how fast they grow....

It's so nice to be back home with my kiddos.  We are trying to figure out our new normal.  Evangeline had school Monday and it was weird getting her ready without me.  I packed her little lunch and Kyle took her to school.  It's very hard to be away from her.  At the same time, it's so wonderful spending the days with my little boy.  It's an adjustment for us all. 

My heart is so full.  There is no way to put my feelings of joy and gratitude into words.  We are so blessed.  What did I do before these little angels entered my world.  It's amazing my heart doesn't burst for all the love I feel. 
We love you Jed Daniel Hutson.  You have completed our family.  We thank God for you.