Friday, April 10, 2020

Christmas Day

As soon as little eyes opened they were ready to see if Santa came.  I went down first to start the coffee and turn on the lights.  This was the sight of the untouched scene with the hum of anticipation hanging heavy in the air.....

I got to confirm that Santa had indeed come to the curious and restless ears waiting on the stairs....

They wasted no time checking out their stockings.  There were zombie figures and dragon books! 

After checking out what Santa left we took a little break to get the cinnamon rolls in the oven....these things can't be rushed.  

I've heard of kids getting obsessed with things.  Mostly things like trains, etc.  Jed is absolutely obsessed with zombies.  He talks about them incessantly.  He was thrilled with this gruesome collection, but he wanted nothing to do with the overweight zombie or the girl zombies.  

The Christmas kitty had a lovely time too....

Evangeline absolutely loved the box and the doll I made her.  

Happy kids.

My little Mandalorian playing with his toys.....

Later that morning my family arrived.  Dad helped me with the meal and I know everything will taste amazing when the master takes over the kitchen.  

More gift exchanges and family time....

It's the most wonderful time of the year.

Christmas Eve

We spent Christmas Eve at Peggy's in the traditional fashion.  The Wilson/Burress family joined us.  

Jed loves his caregivers...Danielle and Marge.

Evangeline played the flute with the other band kids from church at the family service. 

She also played the piano.

We exchanged gifts afterward with Peggy. 

Christmas at Papa's

Christmas at Papa and Karen's is always special.  After dinner we exchanges presents.  Jed's favorites were a castle and knights, real bugs (in carbonite, he claims), and a toy haunted house with figures.  Evangeline's favorite was a felt village with little woodland creatures.  

We stayed two nights.  The kids played nonstop with each other and their new toys.  I ran a few errands with Kristen and Phil and did a 2.5 mile run with Phil through the neighborhood.  

The second evening Wanda, Ira and Sabrina joined us for dinner.