Tuesday, November 26, 2019

More of Summer

Kyle and I went to see one of my current favorite bands, Lord Huron, in Indianapolis.  It was such a fun evening.  We ate at an Irish Pub right outside the venue before, and the concert was absolutely wonderful.  

An exciting thing for me is that Fredrick (our handiguy) built a counter top over my new appliances (our old ones recently bit the dust.  I love my counter top because nothing can fall behind the appliances and the litter box is covered as well.  Makes me happy! 

Jed and Evangeline attended Vacation Bible School.  This was Jed's first time to participate outside of the nursery.  He loved it.  The theme was outer space.  It cracks me up because Jed still refers to it as "space school" whenever it comes up.
Evangeline is getting big enough that I will let her float around in the pool if I'm in the kitchen and can see her from the window.  She likes to take magazines outside and look at them on the raft.  

More fun at the band concerts.  The kids just love going to these when we can.

My heart....

Evangeline did this at MAYN summer camp and I thought it was so sweet....

Jed in his bowl of alphabet soup....

Jed in this cowboy hat is just too much.  We had Jed rehearse the line, "There's a new sheriff in town" so he could jump out and yell it at Kyle when he came home from lunch.

I sure do love being home in the summer with these two stinkers....

Wayne retired from CFO of Union Hospital.  They had a very special send off for him.  He didn't know we were going to be there.  He was very happily surprised to see his children and grandchildren.  He's known far and wide for being a die hard Packers fan.  He received a lot of Packer's gifts.  


Evangeline enjoyed playing with Kaiden this summer.  His mom, Angie, sent me this picture of the two of them enjoying root beer floats at his house. 

We just love the Marshall band concerts.  Sadly we were only able to make it to a handful of them this summer.  We were just so busy.  We sure did enjoy the ones we attended though.  Here's Jed with his pal, Owen. 
And catching lightning bugs with Lucy Cline.  It was a riot...Jed walked Lucy around with his hand around her all evening.  He's such a gentleman. 

and I love how Lucy has her little leg up in these picture. 

More hanging out with Kaiden...best neighbor/friend ever. 
This girl and her Calvin and Hobbs obsession.  She will pour over her many Calvin and Hobbs books for hours.  She has them memorized, she quotes them, she can't read them without laughing out loud.  She is constantly reading them to me and calling me over to see the pictures.  

Pool time with Grandma and the boys.  Grandma has been watching Cale and Liam this summer while their caretaker (their great grandpa) has been laid up.  This results in lots of extra time with the boys much to Jed's approval.

Little girl and the bunny I made for her on her 4th birthday, which is still her favorite.
The many emotions of my Jeddy Bear......