Sunday, February 24, 2019

'Twas the Night Before Christmas

Evangeline always loves eating her way to Christmas with her chocolate advent calendar.  This was the first year I had one for Jed and let me tell you....he loved it. 
We always love decorating for Christmas.  This year we did lots of live greenery and holiday pictures of our family. 
Christmas Eve day was spent at Peggy's house with the Burress/Wilson clan and the Hwangs.  It's always fun.  

We left for the early church service where Evangeline was acolyte.  Jed did such a wonderful job sitting so nicely with his sister for the children's moments.  I was so proud.
We returned to Peggy's afterwards and exchanged gifts with Kyle's sister's family and Peggy.  
One of their gifts were matching Marshall Lion sweatshirts.... 
We went right home to leave the milk and cookies out for Santa.  Evangeline always makes him lots of pictures, notes and little handmade gifts.  It was such an exciting night.  

Papa and Karen's

This was to be our last Christmas overnight at Papa and Karen's Terre Haute house.  They will be living in Indy fulltime next Christmas.  We had a wonderful time visiting, playing, relaxing, eating, opening gifts, having fun.  It's always fun to see all of Wayne's Christmas decorations.  I just know this annual tradition will hold a special place in the memories of our children. 
Evangeline got the fondue set she had been wanting.  Can't wait for those treats she's going to be making me! 
Jed was all about getting a science "wab" this year.  He pointed out every chemistry set he saw in his toy magazines that came in the mail.  Papa and Karen made that wish come true with a toddler lab and all kinds of experiments, a lab coat and glasses.  Jed was beyond excited. 
My goodness!  Jed was so excited about his lab set.  He couldn't wait to get it all set up and start doing experiments.  We decided to let him try out the vortex.  He was mesmerized and amazed.  
Morning cocoa before our big breakfast....
So much fun cousin time....
He wasn't happy about naptime, but it was an absolute necessity.  The bonus for me was that I got to nap with him.  
As we left Jed was crying and saying, "I don't want to leave the fun."