Monday, April 29, 2019

Ballet and Baking

Well, if she's still going to be sleeping my our bed every night, I guess I have the right to take pictures of this sleeping angel whenever I want's only fair.

We got tickets to see a Russian ballet company perform Sleeping Beauty at Rose-Hulman.  We went with Amy and my mom.  First, we went to Fifi's for dinner where Evangeline ate almost a whole Square Doughnut cheeseburger and split a milkshake with me.  Both dinner and the performance were such fun.

Sometimes when Evangeline (the cat) is away, Jed (the mouse) will play....with Evangeline's Calico Critters.  Shhhh....
Evangeline spent a night with Grandma and the next morning we got an alert of a snow storm and it started coming down quick.  I had to go get her right away.  They were in the middle of a backing project and so I had to have her bring the supplies home and finish up here.  She made cupcakes in a Coke can...They turned out very cute and she was SO proud of them. 
Jed was pretty interested too.....
More sleeping cuteness.....

and a serious stinker....

Monday, April 8, 2019

Disney On Ice

This year Savannah had a church trip to go on during Disney on Ice so Papa asked if I wanted to bring Jed along.  First of all, I drove to Papa and Karen's Indy house for the first time solo (except for Jed in the back seat).  Evangeline was already in Indy.  I felt pretty proud of myself since I absolutely hate driving in unfamiliar areas and especially in large's a serious source of anxiety for me.  We made it though. 
When the cat's away, the mouse will play.....The first thing Wayne did was give Jed an outfit he had purchased from his recent trip to Lambo Field.  I promptly sent a picture to Kyle.  Kyle, being a die-hard Bears fan, was not at all impressed.  Now poor Jed is conflicted...some days he is a Bears fan and some days he is a Packers fan.  No matter what though, he sure looks adorable in his new outfit.  
By the time we made it to the venue Jed was a little tired and grouchy.  Wayne never holds back as far as his grandchildren are concerned....  Every year the girls go to Disney on Ice he always gets them cotton candy and lets them pick out a toy.  The next picture of Jed stuffing cotton candy in his mouth while wearing a crown with huge tears rolling down his face just shows how hard he was trying to hold it all together.  
Evangeline and Lily had fun together, but Evangeline mentioned how it wasn't quite the same without Savannah.  It's always the three of them.

We had great seats...

Jed was awestruck when the show began.  I love watching my children experiencing things for the first time....
Disney sure knows how to put on a show! 

Nothing in Particular

Jed was invited to his first "friend" birthday party, Owen Ramsey, his good buddy.  Evangeline had a party at the same time, so Kyle took him.  Kyle said he had a lot of fun running around with Owen.  Jed was so excited when he came home with a goody bag. 
We recently found some of my old dresses in a closet in my mom's basement.  Evangeline could not have been more please since many of them are her current size.  Among one of them was my old Gunne Sax dress.  Oh my, Evangeline is lovely in it.  
No winter break snow, but lots of rain....
Hi-Hi Cheery-O....I love watching them play together.  Jed is getting old enough to be able to focus on things like playing games.  They have been having fun playing board games together.